Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Kate & Megan finally met after over a year of me telling them they lead parallel lives. They hit it off great and were lifesavers in helping me to register. Both had their first kids while living in small places so they were so helpful about knowing what we really need and what is a gimmick. Thank you both SO much!!!

Grandparent Names

Here are the contenders so far...
Jim: Poppa, Grand Dude, the one that sounds like a pizza joint??? what was it?
Debi: NoNa
Bonnie: Gram
Joel: TBD

Uppababy Vista

After much research and many test drives we've decided to get the Uppababy Vista stroller. It can hold a carseat, a bassinet, and a toddler seat for later. It also converts into a double stroller if that should ever be an issue. Thanks Bonnie & Joel!

25 Week Ultrasound Pictures

Here we are looking at his face straight on. Hmmmm...kinda scary. Is he a frog? What's hanging out of his mouth?

25 Week Ultrasound Pictures

Here Bean is posing dramatically with his hand to his forehead as if to say "oy vey, get that light off of me." He gets this from his father.

25 Week Ultrasound Pictures

Here he is with his cute little nose. Weighing 1 lb and 11 ozs.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bean at the Beach

Beverly & I took our beans to the beach. We got plenty of stares.

Building the Nursery

It finally feels real that a baby is on the way. Poppa and Debi arrived with the furniture and spent the day building it while I watched! It looks amazing.

Poppa Pie

The pie I made was inedible...but they were nice enough to try.

Father's Day

Great Fathers Day Cookout w/ Filet & Lobster. One future Grandpoppa and one future Father.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Reimagined Bumper

Our baby class said bumpers are no longer considered SIDS safe, but I wasn't about to give up on this cute thing. I cut up the bumper and wrapped the fabric around small art canvases. Tada! (Just don't look too close in person)

Keith at Baby CPR

We have officially completed all three pre-baby classes! Here's Keith after he saved his baby in CPR class. Ignore his John Travolta hairdo...it was rainy.