Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Josh Walking...a tremendous event

He gets better everyday!

Max Swinging

Pretty boring, but hey...he's 8 weeks old!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Josh's Language

Mat time for Max

Welcome to the blog Baby Max. Second children really do get the short end of the stick. Poor Max is 7 weeks old and he's just now having his pics and videos posted. Good thing he's such a sweetie...most of the time.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

22 Weeks Playing!

Josh is finally sitting up in the Bumbo chair although he gets tired after a few minutes. He loves the toys and swats at them like they are bees attacking.

He feels great this week even though he gave Poppa Guthrie & Keith pink eye. Lots of good tummy time and mat time happening. The ladies at day care adore him and he has a girlfriend there. She's a red headed cutie named Piper.

22 Weeks Snowmageddon

This week Josh had his second blizzard that he won't remember. 28.5 inches in Philly.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Favorite Things

Josh loves kisses and grabbing his stuffed monkey. He's figured out that his hands can do things!

Tongues Out!

Free of the swaddle 21 Weeks

No more straight jacket. First night without a swaddle went fine and Josh likes to stretch out.

Visit with Gittle

Selma & Alex
Ben & Julia
Lots of cousins aunts, uncles, and of course Great Grandma. We learned that Mel is a baby whisperer and Selma is a poker expert. Who knew? What an awesome brunch!

First Solid Food 21 Weeks

First time practicing with a spoon. He didn't like the rice cereal and I don't blame him. Tastes like paste.